April 18, 2019

Christchurch Shooter Theory

Persistent rumours in Christchurch, New Zealand say that there was more than one shooter involved in the terror attack of March 15, 2019 where 50 people were killed and many more wounded. This theory comes about because it seemed that the two mosques were attacked at the same time. Yesterday the Police put out the route the shooter took and so what I then did is drive that route and time it.

What I found is the route disclosed by the Police takes 19 minutes and 10 seconds to complete (19'10"). Therefore, there was only one shooter and the Linwood mosque was attacked 11 minutes after the Deans Ave atrocity.

This was the route I took; Deans, Harper, Bealey, Fitzgerald, Linwood, Aldwins, Ensors and Brougham. Along Brougham to the eventual location of capture on Brougham street just short of Strickland street.

Being a visitor to Christchurch he could have got to the Linwood Ave mosque from Deans Ave quicker by taking an alternative route, but that would only be 30 seconds or so faster. There are several sections of the drive where it is possible to exceed the speed limit easily and they are; Harper, Linwood, Aldwins and Ensors. Taking this into account and that the shooter would likely speed where possible (note there was no damage to his car), my time and the time he took are likely the same when allowing for time of day factors.

So rest easy, the Police have it right, there was one shooter and he covered the distance all by himself. Why then did Christchurch have helicopters in the sky every night for days afterward? I have no idea exactly, but at the time I thought the Police must be tracking the white supremacists dispersing their guns and drugs. 

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