
December 18, 2018

David Icke: Wrong But Close

Fans of David Icke's books will know about his various conspiracy theories and his idea that the Moon is a satellite transmitting mind altering transmissions and that Earth has been hijacked by a reptilian species that effectively control everything. No doubt this is very entertaining to read.

He's wrong but he was making good guesses. His idea that the World is heading into an Orwellian future is accurate.

What is the truth? Earth was invaded or colonised 75,000 years ago by people from Hercules. Local Hominins (Homo Erectus) were bred with to create the distinctive species, Homo Sapiens. Over the following years, humans evolved into species almost indistinguishable from Herculeans.

Why did Hercules come to Earth? What is their culture like? Are they coming back and when? All these questions are dealt with in my book, Dana Point.  

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