April 04, 2017

Lexi Thompson and that Golf Ball

Lexi Thompson was penalised at the recent ANA Inspiration golf tournament. She moved her ball and for that she received a 2-shot penalty followed by a further 2-shots for signing an incorrect scorecard.

We are hearing sympathy from fellow players and a call to change the rules. I don't agree, the rules should stay exactly the way they are. I say this carefully, and here's why: golfers score themselves. So with that luxury and in order to balance things up, anyone can call foul on a shot. That's fair. Golfers honour the code.

Think about the the possible repercussions of a rule change. If only a select few can challenge, then self-scoring may lead to collusion between groups of players. Not every player is closely scrutinised, the game relies on their honesty. Consider situations where you're doing a round together with a friend on the tour, he's about to miss the cut, while you may challenge for the lead. On the back nine you may agree to cheat, so you can gain on the leaders and your mate may miss the cut. See?

If you're going to restrict who may challenge, then you need all scoring in the professional game to be refereed and scored, with only the referee able to say what the score was; then challenges may be restricted to rival players and other referees. That's like tennis, where they have an umpire, and linesmen, overall tournament referee and challenges from players.

So long as the golfers score themselves, then I say no way to professional golfers being scrutinised less. There is too much at stake for that to happen.

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