
May 03, 2016

Beckenham School

Oh god teachers are such a pain in the arse aren't they? You are not going to believe what news my eleven year old daughter came home with. Now they're not allowed to eat before play. That's right, they have to play first then eat, then straight into the classroom. I mean, what sort of world is this? Are teachers that stupid?

Well yes they are. You've got children wandering around the playground grumpy cos they're hungry and of course they certainly haven't got the energy to do anything. Is this a means to control behaviour during breaks? Food as a weapon?

What I think it is is a misguided attempt to ensure food is in bellies in the classroom. But it overlooks school is also about the quality of play and social interaction. Take that away and what have you got? Personally I was of moderate athletic ability, but I went to school with several people who became professional athletes. They didn't get there by not eating before practising. You eat, then you do. It's that simple.

Beckenham School has slipped badly. They have this teacher hub system, which is silly, and the children have to use the teachers first names. Hi Thaddeus, or Mark or Jane, or Sandy. Yeah right. Nice professional distance there Beckenham (I'm not talking about pupils knowing the teachers first name, but routinely using it? C'mon).

Beckenham School is getting too silly now, they've lost the plot.

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