March 24, 2021

Diagnosing Prince Harry's Disorder

I'm completely unqualified but here goes anyway. I think it is possible that clinicians have misdiagnosed Prince Harry's psychological problem. It has been reported that he underwent something like 10 years of counselling, which you'd have to think is excessive. 

His wife, Meghan Markle clearly suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It is often stated that the two suffer the same ailment. But it has occurred to me this is wrong. It could be Harry suffers from a form of Grandiosity. That would mean he has an overly inflated sense of worth, intelligence, importance and power. It has been reported that former girlfriends say he's obsessed with the press, that he sees reporters everywhere, even when they're clearly not. I think this is a clue. 

If we look at Harry, clearly he has status. But it is of the inconsequential kind; he'll never be King, he makes no important decisions and no-one really cares what he thinks. To compensate, he may have convinced himself that he really does matter. He'd tell himself this daily, until he actually came to believe it. Basically, Harry is deluded.

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