
April 04, 2020

COVID-19 World Takeover

This could make a good movie, novel or just your average garden conspiracy theory. Here goes:

COVID-19 is one of many stages in an alien takeover of planet earth. The invasion has been ongoing since 1918. The invaders are doing this by infiltrating and taking over the power structures that make human civilisation what it is, and from within destroying social order and the bonds that hold society together.

It all started with the First World War. That was a war between empires, a human war that came at the end of a massive arms race. The aliens saw their chance and seeded earth with the Spanish flu, this began the process to cull the planet of life forms, but also to sow distrust in one another, the beginning of social distancing.

Then we have Prohibition, the rise of Adolf Hitler, the Great Depression and the alien initiated Second World War. This was an even greater loss of life and an even bigger cull. All these events that followed the Spanish flu are alien in origin, they're infiltrating, and by hook or by crook, taking over.

Then after the Second World War we have the beginning of the end. The United Nations. Its purpose, to control and ultimately extinguish human life on earth. This final phase is the use of global pandemics to achieve certain objectives;

  • To win unquestioning loyalty from the myopic and easily led plebes;
  • To socially distance communities, to break down social bonds, break the social contract;
  • In achieving distance, to prevent human reproduction, how can people meet and reproduce if no-one can leave their existing bubble?
  • To control nutrition and access to water;
  • To control thought, and access to information.

The final cull has begun folks. The next stage will be to require everyone to give a blood sample. We will be told the reason for this is to develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus. But in reality it will be to select a few for assimilation into alien society. The rest will be killed. The final takeover of earth will have been completed. That's when the alien invasion fleet will arrive. There will be no fight-back, as human life will have ended already and the few that do remain will be controlled and believe they're better off. They will have been fully assimilated.

This is your COVID-19 future. Who are these aliens? They are the current leaders. The UN, the US President Donald Trump, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern. They're aliens, not aliens having invaded a human host, as these aliens look just like humans from earth. However, they have one key difference, they don't believe in democracy, liberty, capitalism, freedom of choice, none of it.

This story resembles aspects of my latest novel, Dana Point which predates COVID-19. This tells the story of Augustus. He's from the planet Hercules, on the run and ends up back on earth. He's been to earth before because earth was seeded by Hercules with bipedal life forms we call Homo Sapiens. Hercules check up on earth from time to time, to see if it has advanced technologically enough to warrant assimilation. We find out that it has, and a hospital ship is being dispatched from Hercules which will carry out the blood testing and final selection. Augustus has issues of his own and he must deal with them before he can save earth. There is more to the novel than just this of course, but please read it by following the link at the top of my blog, or follow the embedded link below.

Dana Point

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