September 05, 2019

Boris Johnson and Brexit

Just when you thought Brexit was back on track with Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister of Britain, everything goes pear shaped with game playing from Jeremy Corbyn's Labour team and the Remainer camp. Technically Corbyn is not a Remainer, but I think it's safe to label him as such now the gloves are off. We can see him for what he really is, selling out the British working class to London's chattering classes who are dead against Brexit.

I have no idea how this will pan out or who will win. We have a second English Civil War of sorts. On the one side the Leave team made up of Conservatives, along with the hard left of Britain siding with the working class districts which solidly voted Leave. Against them are the South-east of England, Remain camp soft-centred technocrats with their holiday homes on the Continent and a will to defy anyone who gets in the way of their cushy lifestyles. Whoever wins sets the course of Britain's future; either an independent future and world leading or a follower and supplicant to Brussels and the princes of Europe.

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