April 01, 2018

Amazon Kindle Pricing

Just a heads up in case you contribute to Kindle from outside the US or buy from the US main site from outside the US. I've discovered their website only updates regularly in relation to pages viewable on the main site from within the US. If you change your Kindle publication pricing you may not be able to see those changes for weeks. I have only just discovered that, much to my horror. What can happen is a price displayed on the US website can remain showing the old price in the overseas location for a very long time (in the US itself the price will be correct).

I suggest being aware of this when buying on the US main site from overseas. You may find yourself looking at a dated page, and the price you're about to pay is much different. The updated price will be viewable to those in the US but not all locations worldwide at the same time.

Note I'm NOT talking about regional sites and their pricing, that's a different issue altogether, please don't confuse them. I've just spent an evening trying to educate Amazon's Indian help desk on this, they just come back to, 'we have different prices in different parts of the world.' Yes, I get that, understand, but how about updating the pages that people view from outside the US on the US main site!! On that subject they wobble their heads.

Edit to add: In the last couple of days I've noticed changes that I made have updated, a full month after the changes were made. However in the US itself those same changes were live less than 72 hours after the changes.

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