
December 14, 2015

My Problem With Cop21

Rejoice, the earth is saved. That's the propaganda line coming out of the climate conference in Paris.

My problem with the proposed measures is they appear to be socialism under another guise. They're taking from the rich to redistribute to the anointed few.

When was the last time nanny state organised anything other than a colossal cock-up? Hmm?


New Zealanders will remember Nick Smith selling the emissions trading scheme to New Zealand. He went out of his way to lie to the entire nation. Recall him saying over and over that New Zealand would not be paying for trees grown before 1990? He wilfully ignored the Kyoto amendment from Marrakesh that expressly pays Russia to not cut down trees. That's wealth transfer right there and expect more of this horse-shit this time round.

The taxpayer is being hoodwinked. What's going to happen is we pay more tax, we will not be saving the planet. It's a massive tax grab, nothing more than that.

Here's an idea. How about Europe sorts itself out and puts its trees back. Heard of the black forest? It's hardly there now, but a couple of thousand years back, the thing got called the black forest as it was so dense no light penetrated.

Or how about by the time Genghis Khan rode across the steppes, all the trees had gone, his armies had a clear run.

See where am I going with this? How come people in the Americas or the Pacific for that matter have to pay for the Europeans fucking up the planet? How about our version of socialism; fuck them, they can starve, we get on and live our lives as we please. We owe them nothing.

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